Growing up! 19 months old!

Just checking in…Hannah is still doing fabulous! We can’t believe that she is already 19 months old. We haven’t seen her cardiologist since October and it’s been great to be away from doctor’s offices! Her 18 month check-up with her pediatrician went very well, and her weight is finally up to 20 pounds. Developmentally she is right on track, if not exceeding our expectations. In fact, one of the “skills” that her doctor asked about was if she could walk backwards. We couldn’t really remember seeing her do that, so we said we weren’t sure about that one. Wouldn’t you know, that night Hannah randomly decided to walk across the den backwards. It was as if she had heard us talking about it in the doctor’s office! Too funny. Her vocabulary is really expanding too- she says about 15 words including cold, duck, shoes, sea, key, up, three, and her first sentence, “Where is it?”  She identifies colors and shapes and has now moved on to letters and numbers. Watch out kindergarten! One of our favorite things that she does is the motions to Itsy Bitsy Spider. She gets so proud of herself and claps at the end. Too cute! Our only problem area seems to be on Sundays going to the church nursery. Hannah is not a big fan of separation to say the least, but we’re working on it.

April will be here in another month and a half, and at that time her cardiologist will take her off both medications. We anxiously await this transition and believe that she will do FINE! Please pray with us that her heart will continue normal rhythm and will no longer be dependent on the medications. We truly believe that God has already healed her heart completely! As hard as it was going through the tough days, we are thankful that we now have an amazing testimony to share with the world and offer hope to the hurting. We know that God hears and answers prayer, and every one of Hannah’s doctors who saw her then and now, would agree. She is a miracle!

Another one of the joys that we have experienced is working with the local Louisiana Pediatric Cardiology Foundation. Our annual fundraiser tennis tournament will be held April 3-6 at the Country Club of Louisiana. Money raised will be used to assist needy families of children with heart conditions with medical care. We truly believe in supporting this cause to give each child with a life-threatening heart condition the best chance at life. For more information, or to make a donation, please visit are currently accepting business sponsorships, silent auction items, and tournament registration forms.

As always, thanks for your prayers and for checking in on us!

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